Language Programs

We offer language programs in English, Spanish, French and Italian for both adults and children. Our “standard” adult programs are offered at six different levels. We also offer customized programs.

Adult Programs

Professional Survival 1 & 2
Objective: To acquire basic or essential vocabulary and structures and to start understanding and producing orally.
Objective: Practicing basic structures through free speech and acquiring finesse in day to day situations.
Real Language
Objective: To learn how to speak the language like a native speaker and to develop speed in oral production.
Follow Up 1 & 2
Objective: Learning idioms, customs, and proverbs from the target language and introducing writing skills.

Custom Adult Programs

Writing Skills
Objective: Learning how to write letters, compositions, memos, e-mails, etc
Corporate Behavior
Objective: To acquire finesse in the corporate world using related vocabulary and structures.
Objective: To acquire essential grammatical awareness
Cultural Expectations
Objective: Learning to be tolerant and conscientious of the target language cultural traits
Idiomatical Phrases
Objective: To learn, to understand and to start using various idioms and expressions from regional to colloquial.

Children’s Programs

Real English
Summer Camp
Customized Programs
School Tutoring